A tool to power your static site's search with Algolia. Build a JSON site index and send it to Algolia with this script. To work, the Algolia script API key must have permission to create/drop an index because it creates a temporary table, sends all the data to the temporary table, then swaps it in.
First install Go.
If you just want to install the binary to your current directory and don't care about the source code, run
GOBIN=$(pwd) go install github.com/spotlightpa/algolia-indexer@latest
$ algolia-indexer -h
indexer - sends JSON object array to Algolia
Options may also be set as environment variables prefixed with INDEXER_.
-algolia-api-key key
key for Algolia API
-algolia-app-id ID
ID for Algolia app
-algolia-index-name name
name for Algolia index
-src value
source file or URL (default stdin)
log debug output (default silent)