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Sudo Room's IRC robot, the canonical instance of which lives in our IRC channel.

Getting Started

These instructions should get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


sudoboot is known to run in production on the nodejs provided by chris lea's node.js PPA (specifically version 0.10.37-1chl1~trusty1). However, you might not be running Ubuntu, so an alternative way to get the right node.js runtime is suggested: using Node Version Manager.

First, install nvm as described in its documentation. Then, install node version 0.10.37 with the following command:

nvm install 0.10.37

Once this is done, start using this newly installed node:

nvm use 0.10.37

Next, install the bot's dependencies. Be sure you are in the package's root directory (wherever this readme file is located) and do the following:

npm install

At this point, you should probably be able to run the bot, like so:

node bot.js

If this doesn't work, you may have found a bug. In that case, please see our issues and open a new one if the bug you've found is not already documented.


It seems to be deployed using something called psy.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.




  • substack - most of the commits through 2015
  • jerkey - some door and speech related code
  • deilann, morganrallen, and Juul - various contributions
  • karissa - almost all maintenance in 2017
  • rcsheets - docs, etc


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the file for details.


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