DRM plugin for Media Downloader.
This plugin is for educational purposes only. Downloading copyrighted materials from streaming services may violate their Terms of Service. Use at your own risk.
Building can be done either manually, or using Apache's Ant. The Ant script can be run either directly on the host machine or in the prepared Docker image.
To run the following commands on Windows, use PowerShell.
The following subsections assume you have already built the Media Downloader project first and you clone this repository to a directory next to the Media-Downloader
git clone https://github.com/sunecz/Media-Downloader-DRM-Plugin.git Media-Downloader-DRM
cd Media-Downloader-DRM/
Finally, build the JAR:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/workdir" -v "$(pwd)/../Media-Downloader:/Media-Downloader" --name md-build -it md:build ant -D"path.javafx"="/Media-Downloader/docker/openjfx"
- Application: https://github.com/sunecz/Media-Downloader
- Default plugins: https://github.com/sunecz/Media-Downloader-Default-Plugins
- Launcher: https://github.com/sunecz/Media-Downloader-Launcher