This repository contains notebooks and other files associated with my class on Foundation of data mining (2016-17) from Eindhoven University of Technology.
Assignment 1: Model selection, KNN, Logistic Regression, LinearSVC, Regularization, L1/L2 penalties, Stratified sampling, Bootstrapping, GridSearchCV, heatmap, AUC, RandomForest, Nested cross-validation, Decision tree
Assignment 2: SVM Kernel selection (Linear/polynomial/RBF), RandomizedSearchCV, Pipelines, Imputation, One hot encoding, Standard scaling, Gaussian process
Assignment 3: Dimensionality reduction, random projection, multi-class confusion matrix, PCA, Hyperplane projection, Locality-sensitive hashing
Assignment 4: Neural networks, backpropogation, Keras, Deep models design, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Recurrent neural network (RNN)