This weather journal app project is submitted to Udacity for reviewing purposes.
This project requires you to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI for a Weather Journal App.
- HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Node.js
- Express - node.js web application framework
- Body-parser - Express middleware; to parse incoming request bodies
- Cors - Express middleware; for cross origin allowance
- Dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env file
- Node-fetch - A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js
- Create an user account at OpenWeather to obtain the app ID.
- Create a file named .env with the following code and your app ID.
OPENWEATHER_APP_ID=your OpenWeather App ID
- Download the app zip file.
- Unzip it from the desktop.
- Install node.js -
- Install Express; terminal command line -
npm install express
. - Install Body-Parser; terminal command line -
npm install body-parser
. - Install Cors; terminal command line -
npm install cors
. - Install Dotenv; terminal command line -
npm install dotenv
. - Install Node-Fetch; terminal command line -
npm install node-fetch
. - Initiate the local server; terminal command line -
node server.js
. - Initiate the application - http://localhost:3000/.