Desenvolvedora de Software | Criadora de conteúdo de programação e tecnologia
- Languages: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript
- Frameworks: React, Angular, Node.js, React Native, Next, Redux, Context API
- Tools: Git, Analytics, AdMob, Firebase, Firebase Analytics (observabilidade), Datadog (observabilidade), Amplitude, GitLab, Microsoft Teams, Confluence, Meet, Zoom, Jest e Coverage, SandBox, ARGO (versão em Sandbox para QA’s testarem), Google Cloud, Vivência com metodologias ágeis, Processo de releases, VTEX
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Strapi
- Design/UI: SASS, Tailwind, Styled Components, Responsive, UI Design
Here are some of the projects I'm currently working on:
- Project Name: Brief description of the project.
- Another Project: Brief description of another project.
Feel free to check out my repositories for more!