This is Validation Module of Telbby, a service that can be introduced into my project to exchange feedback with various users.
- ID must be between 4 and 30 characters long and can only use uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, and must start with an English letter.
- PW must be between 10 and 35 characters and must be a combination of at least two of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
isStartWithEng(s: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given string begins with an alphabetic character.
isOnlyUseEngAndNumbers(s: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given string consisting of only alphanumeric characters.
isHasUpperEng(s: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given string contains uppercase letters.
isHasLowerEng(s: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given string contains lowercase letters.
isHasSpecialChar(s: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given string contains special characters.
isHasNumber(s: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given string contains a number.
isIdLengthValid(id: string): boolean
- Returns true if the length of the given id is valid
isIdValid(id: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given id is valid
isPwCombinationValid(pw: string): boolean
- Returns true if the combination of the given pw is valid
isPwLengthValid(pw: string): boolean
- Returns true if the length of the given pw is valid
isPwValid(pw: string): boolean
- Returns true if the given pw is valid
idValidator(id: string): readonly [boolean, string]
- If the id is invalid, it returns false and a warning string. Returns an empty string if the id is valid.
pwValidator(pw: string): readonly [boolean, string]
- If the pw is invalid, it returns false and a warning string. Returns an empty string if the pw is valid.
- Minimum length of user ID
- Maximum length of user ID
- Minimum length of user PW
- Maximum length of user PW
- Warning Messages
This package is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.