Add a task with
todoc add "Herp a derp"
ortodoc -a "Herp a derp"
Remove a task with
todoc rm 1
ortodoc -r 1
Complete a task with
todoc do 1
ortodoc -d 1
Search for a task with
todoc search "Search string"
ortodoc -s "Search string"
Building Todoc is easy. Use the classic
to build the program. Installation hasn't been placed into the makefile (yet!) but I'm working on it.
- fixed a bug from do command for double free of closing file
- Fixed some bugs involving file opening and closing.
- Fixed a really strange deallocation bug with deallocating things multiple times (I don't even.)
- New, hopefully more reliable (certainly more testable) seperation of Tasklist into a layer over a generic linked list.
0.2: Major restructuring into objects.
- Cleaner, more friendly output. (Issue 3)
- Addition of "-v" and "-f" options.
- Asks for confirmation of removal (Issue 3)
- Fixed bug where the program crashes if search string not found (Issue 2)
- Option parser is no longer ugly (Issue 5)
- Remove task fixed (Issue 7, 11)
- Appending a task conserves memory
- Error system makes program return failure if something bad happens
- Added testing code for most of the library
- glibc (for regex.h in task.c)