- 🧑💻 IT/SRE @ Hualien, Taiwan
- 🐳 Kubernetes, Container, Golang
- 🤝 CNCF Ambassador (H1 2024) | CNTUG Co-Organizer | KCD Taipei 2024 Co-organizer | KCD Taipei 2025 Lead Organizer
- 💻 Code Reviewer @ Kubespray | v1.32 Release Signal Team Shadow @ Kubernetes
- ❤️ Kagamine Rin
My recent activities (click here to expand)
- kubernetes-sigs/kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster (1 day ago)
- cloud-native-taiwan/Infra-Labs-Docs - Documentation for Cloud Native Taiwan Infra Labs (1 week ago)
- cncf/people - Stores the data that will populate the various people listings on cncf.io (2 weeks ago)
- coredns/deployment - Scripts, utilities, and examples for deploying CoreDNS. (2 months ago)
- cncf/k8s-conformance - 🧪CNCF K8s Conformance Working Group (3 months ago)
- kubernetes/test-infra - Test infrastructure for the Kubernetes project. (4 months ago)
- cloud-native-taiwan/coscup-2024-workshop - COSCUP 2024 IaC workshop files (4 months ago)
- HunterPie/localization - Localization repository for HunterPie's client (5 months ago)
- cloud-native-taiwan/status-infra-labs - (5 months ago)
- longhorn/website - https://longhorn.io/ (6 months ago)
- tico88612/blog-comments -
- tico88612/get-real-ip -
- tico88612/podman-monitor-workshop -
- tico88612/cicd-hexo-blog-pages - 以 Hexo Blog 撰寫 CI/CD Pipeline 網頁
- tico88612/cicd-hexo-blog-template - 以 Hexo Blog 撰寫 CI/CD Pipeline 模板
- tico88612/butter-toast-cup-2023 - 奶油吐司杯 2023 分數計算機
- tico88612/cms-docker - Contest Management System v1.5.dev0 Docker Version
- tico88612/network-security-final -
- tico88612/docker-init.engineer - 純靠北工程師 Docker 架設版
- tico88612/kantai-teachme.tw -
- kedacore/keda (v2.16.1, 4 days ago) - KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
- meshery/meshery (v0.8.1, 4 days ago) - Meshery, the cloud native manager
- backstage/backstage (v1.34.2, 4 days ago) - Backstage is an open framework for building developer portals
- metal3-io/cluster-api-provider-metal3 (v1.7.4, 6 days ago) - Metal³ integration with https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api
- metal3-io/ip-address-manager (v1.7.4, 1 week ago) - IP address Manager for Cluster API Provider Metal3
- metal3-io/baremetal-operator (v0.6.3, 1 week ago) - Bare metal host provisioning integration for Kubernetes
- metallb/metallb (v0.14.9, 1 week ago) - A network load-balancer implementation for Kubernetes using standard routing protocols
- kubearmor/kubearmor-client (v1.3.0, 2 weeks ago) - KubeArmor cli tool aka kArmor 🤖
- kubernetes/website (snapshot-initial-v1.32, 2 weeks ago) - Kubernetes website and documentation repo:
- HunterPie/localization (1.0.34, 2 weeks ago) - Localization repository for HunterPie's client
- [WIP] Fix terraform outdated resource to
on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (today) - Bump: Containerd upgrade to 1.7.24 & runc upgrade to v1.2.3 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (1 day ago)
- Bump: Helm upgrade to v3.16.4 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (2 days ago)
- Bump: Kubernetes default version v1.31.4 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (3 days ago)
- Add ChengHao's bluesky account on cncf/people (2 weeks ago)
- Fix sample inventory kube_version to 1.31.3 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (3 weeks ago)
- Refactor Gateway API installation process and bump Gateway API v1.2.1 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (3 weeks ago)
- Bump: OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager to v1.31.1 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (1 month ago)
- Bump: Kubernetes default version v1.31.3 on kubernetes-sigs/kubespray (1 month ago)
- Bump: Docusaurus 3.6 & Node 20 on cloud-native-taiwan/Infra-Labs-Docs (1 month ago)
- inspektor-gadget/inspektor-gadget - Inspektor Gadget is a set of tools and framework for data collection and system inspection on Kubernetes clusters and Linux hosts using eBPF (1 month ago)
- charmbracelet/vhs - Your CLI home video recorder 📼 (1 month ago)
- knabben/stalker - Stalk and Hunt Flake Testgrid Jobs (2 months ago)
- ljcucc/mobai-alei - 膜拜阿雷的信眾有福了!現在到 mobai-alei.ljcu.cc 就可以產生膜拜貼圖! (4 months ago)
- aome510/spotify-player - A Spotify player in the terminal with full feature parity (5 months ago)
- nalexn/clean-architecture-swiftui - SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more. (5 months ago)
- bpg/terraform-provider-proxmox - Terraform / OpenTofu Provider for Proxmox VE (5 months ago)
- kubernetes/enhancements - Enhancements tracking repo for Kubernetes (8 months ago)
- kubernetes-sigs/kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster (1 year ago)
- SadServers/sadservers - SadServers: Linux & DevOps Troubleshooting Scenarios SaaS (1 year ago)