Scan protein sequences for permutations of amino acid subsequences
Finds sequences with the longest subsequences that match consecutive arrays of sub-peptide sequences. You can run this script with something like:
python3 /data/p3_ortho/seqs_metazoa/*.fasta.gz -p PEW PLP IRP GGP GPP -n 7 -o eukarya_hits.tsv
Command line help can be accessed via:
$> python3 -h
python3 [-h] [-p PEP_SEQ [PEP_SEQ ...]] [-n PEP_COUNT] [-o OUT_TSV_FILE] FASTA_FILE [FASTA_FILE ...]
One or more FASTA format sequence file paths
(separated by spaces). Wildcards accepted.
-p PEP_SEQ [PEP_SEQ ...]
Peptide amino acid sub-sequences to search for. May
include "X" to match any amino acid. Space-separated,
without quotes. For example: RKL PGG STQ
-n PEP_COUNT, --min-num-consec PEP_COUNT
Minimum number of consecutive sub-peptide sequences.
Default 3
-g GAP_COUNT, --max-num-gaps GAP_COUNT
Maximum number of unspecified, internal sub-peptides;
gaps of sub-peptide length. Default 0
-o OUT_TSV_FILE, --out-file OUT_TSV_FILE
Optional output file to write results as a tab-
separated table
For speed this uses the numba Python module (