- this project is a backend of a store providing the following functionalities: . log in (authenticate)/sign up(create user) . delete and show one or all users . add/delete products . show all products . get one product . show top 5 most popular products . show products by category . create/delete/get one or all orders . get active/complete orders by user id . add product to order
- database : 5432
- server : 3000
. in your terminal run:
- npm intit
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run format
- postgres should be installed to your machine
- the required packages are added to the package.json file and will be installed by running npm install
- Database running on port: 5432
- create two databases one for testing and one for development, In your terminal run:
- psql -U
- CREATE DATABASE store_dev ;
- CREATE DATABASE store_test ;
- \q
- db-migrate up
. to start the application run: npm run start
. in your terminal run: "npm run dev" to test project functionalities before build.
. testing for problematic patterns (linting):
- in your terminal run: npm run lint
. unit testing:
- in your terminal run: npm run test
- Postgres for the database
- Node/Express for the application logic
- dotenv from npm for managing environment variables
- db-migrate from npm for migrations
- jsonwebtoken from npm for working with JWTs
- jasmine from npm for testing
- Server running on port: 3000
- A Index route: 'api/products [GET]
- A SHOW route: 'api/products/:id' [GET]
- A Create route [token required]: 'api/products/:id' [POST]
- A Delete route [token required]: 'api/products/:id' [DELETE]
- A Top 5 most popular products route: 'api/products/popular' [GET]
- A Products by category route: 'api/products/category/:cate' [GET]
- A Index route [token required]: 'api/users' [GET]
- A SHOW route [token required]: 'api/users/:id' [GET]
- A Delete route [token required]: 'api/users/:id' [DELETE]
- A Create route [return token ]: 'api/users' [POST]
- A Index route [token required]: 'api/orders' [GET]
- A SHOW route [token required]: 'api/orders/:id' [GET]
- A Delete route [token required]: 'api/orders:id' [DELETE]
- A Create route [token required]: 'api/orders' [POST]
- A route to show current orders by user id [token required]: 'api/orders/active/:id' [GET]
- A route to show complete orders by user id [token required]: 'api/orders/completed/:id' [GET]
Products ( id:number, name:varchar, price:number, category:varchar )
Users ( id:number, firstName:varchar, lastName:varchar, password:varchar )
Orders ( id:number, status:varchar, user_id: varchar )
Product_Order ( id:number, quantity: number, order_id:varchar, product_id:varchar )
PORT = 3000 ENV = dev
POSTGRES_HOST = localhost POSTGRES_PORT = 5432 POSTGRES_DB = store_dev POSTGRES_DB_TEST = store_test POSTGRES_USER = postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD = sys SALT_ROUNDS = 10 PEPPER = hahahhah-not-even-close TOKEN_SECRET = thatsAtokenSecretem13m14m15kksserer