This is for other vim-using linguists who find it annoying to have to copy and paste IPA/accented characters. I have issues switching layouts in kitty + tmux so this helps me a lot :)
'a = á
"a = ä
`a = à
,a = ą
... and more! (that I need to document)
This is simply a lua rewrite of Luke Smith's vimling plugin, with some added characters.
Here's the original plugin! I used it for quite a few assignments for undergraduate linguistics courses. The only reason I decided to rewrite it in lua was in hopes that it's faster(?), but I can't even tell if that's true so you can be the judge of that LOL. Either way, I became more familiar with how to make things talk to one another in nvim so that's a plus :)
return {
dependencies = "tjdevries/stackmap.nvim"
-- example mapping
local deadkeys = require('vling').deadkeys.toggle()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>td", deadkeys)