A simple repository where I put my own tests while learning Rust reading the Rust Book.
cargo new PROJECT_NAME
Create a new project.
cargo build
=> Build the current project, after this the executable file will be available on /target folder.
cargo run
=> Compile the current project and run it, on the same command.
cargo check
=> Check the code to make sure it compiles, but not run it.
Statements => Are instructions that perform some actions and do not return a value. Expressions => Evaluate to a resultant value.
pub fn add_two(value: i32) -> i32 {
if(value < 0){
panic!("Number need be positive");
value + 2
mod test {
use super::*
fn my_test_function(){
let result = add_two(4);
assert_eq!(result, 4);
assert_ne!(result, 5);
#[should_panic(expected="need be positive")]
fn my_panic_test(){
fn this_test_will_be_ignored(){
-> Tells to compiler to run tests code only on run cargo test
, not on cargo build
All integration tests go on Tests directory, on the top of the project.
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│ └── lib.rs
└── tests
└── integration_test.rs
To create a code to be used on more than on test, an not run it as test itself, we use the pattern with mod.rs.
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│ └── lib.rs
└── tests
├── common
│ └── mod.rs
└── integration_test.rs
All are initiated by $ cargo test
-- --test-threads=1
-> By default, tests are runned on parallel, this force to Rust compiler use only 1 thread.
-- --show-output
-> By default, println!
macros only inside the functions being testeds, only appear on tests who fail, this force to appear on ALL tests.
-> This code run only the test passed as argument.
-> Run all tests who match with this substring in his name.
-> Run only integration tests, we can specify a test name, or a file name to run all tests on it.
-- --ignored
-> Run only ignored tests.
-- --inclued-ignored
-> Run all tests, including ignored tests.
Common questions. Why print! execute after asking for an input when declared before?