This is just a simple example of a Slacker Loggly Bot and is a demonstration of the integration of Loggly and Slack using Botkit.
This bot demonstrates many of the core features of Botkit:
- Connect to Slack using the real time API
- Receive messages based on "spoken" patterns
- Reply to messages
- Use the conversation system to ask questions
- Use Loggly to log messages.
- Use Loggly to search for messages
- Use Loggly LiveTail in order to stream messages to Slack
-> NodeJS
-> botkit: ^0.4.7,
-> winston-loggly: "^1.3.1"
-> Loggly LiveTail (Token) CMD
-> Java If using LiveTail
-> https://<your_company>
-> npm install
-> npm run installlogglycli - This will install the loggly CLI LiveTail CMD utility.
BotConfigOptions.SlackOptions = {
token: "<Enter_Your_Slack_Token>"
BotConfigOptions.WinstonLogglyOptions = {
"subdomain": "<loggly_customer_domain>",
"inputToken": "<loggly_customer_token>",
"auth": {
"username": "<loggly_user_name>",
"password": "<loggly_password>"
"tags": ["slackloggly"]
BotConfigOptions.LogglySearchOptions = {
hostname: '<subdomain>',
port: 443,
method: 'GET',
auth: "<loggly_user_name>:<loggly_password>"
BotConfigOptions.LogglyEventOptions = {
hostname: '<subdomain>',
port: 443,
method: 'GET',
auth: "<loggly_user_name>:<loggly_password>"
BotConfigOptions.LiveTailOptions = {
-> node slackloggly_bot.js
- Find your bot inside Slack to send it a direct message.
** Say: "Hello"
** The bot will reply "Hello!"
- Say: "who are you?"
** The bot will tell you its name, where it is running, and for how long.
Make sure to invite your bot into other channels using /invite @!
Next try to log something
** Say: "@<your_botname> log "
** The bot will say the message is logged.
** Say: "@<your_botname> search "
** Say: "@<your_botname> streamlogs -match=<match_string> -ignore=<ignore_string>
** Repeat above to see new message streams that match
Botkit has many features for building cool and useful bots!
Read all about it here: