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do not merge example #142

wants to merge 1 commit into from

do not merge example #142

wants to merge 1 commit into from


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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
aecanfrnogr ciao

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[LanguageTool] reported by reviewdog 🐶
This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter. (UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START)
Suggestions: Aecanfrnogr
Category: CASING

@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ Some of its features are:
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[LanguageTool] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Possible spelling mistake found. (MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US)
Suggestions: TRE, the, are, true, tree, try, tie, tire, toe, tore, ire, trek, Trey, tee, GRE, TRC, MRE, tare, Tue, trey, ore, ARE, BRE, CRE, IRE, JRE, Ore, PRE, RE, Re, SRE, TAE, TDE, TEE, TFE, TGE, TLE, TME, TNE, TOE, TPE, TR, TRI, TRL, TRM, TRP, TRS, TRT, TRX, TRY, TSE, TWE, Te, Tyre, URE, ere, pre, re, rte, tr, to, he, one, or, we, were, be, her, me, more, she, then, there, they, time, two, age, area, due, here, them, three, too, use, art, free, see, sure, take, term, top, bye, care, crew, era, fire, grew, red, ten, thee, trade, tried, turn, type, Dr, Mr, arm, core, die, dry, eye, ice, pro, rare, store, tax, tho, tied, trees, tries, trip, Joe, Jr, Lee, More, Tom, bore, drew, fee, lie, prey, pure, tag, tale, tape, tea, threw, ties, tip, ton, tone, treat, trend, tribe, trio, tube, tune, wire, wore, Fred, IRA, Mrs, acre, arc, bare, bred, cure, fare, hire, mere, per, teen, tide, tier, tin, torn, toy, trace, tram, trap, trim, Drew, Erie, Eve, Greg, NRL, PR, PRC, Rev, TNA, TNT, TT, Ted, Trent, Troy, ace, ate, bee, cry, cue, dye, eve, foe, fore, lure, pie, ref, sue, tan, tap, tile, tired, tires, toes, tow, truce, turf, CRT, DRM, Dee, FRS, FTE, Fry, Gore, IRS, MRI, MRT, MTR, Mae, PRI, Rex, Rey, Sue, TCP, TLC, TTC, TV, Tate, Tory, URL, ale, ape, awe, bra, dare, dire, hare, hue, lore, mare, ores, owe, pore, prep, rue, rye, sire, sore, ta, tab, tame, tar, thy, toed, tort, tray, tub, tug, urge, urn, vie, ware, ARL, ARP, Abe, Ares, Bret, CIE, CME, CRC, Che, Cree, DRC, Dare, Doe, Eyre, FTSE, GRC, GTE, IRL, KBE, NRA, NRC, PRS, REM, RJ, RL, RR, Rep, SOE, SRC, SSE, TAC, TCS, TCU, TDI, TFS, THC, TLS, TSA, TTL, TVs, TWA, Tao, TeX, Theo, Tide, Turk, UE, Ware, Wren, Zoe, ark, brew, fr, fret, fry, gore, lyre, nee, ode, orb, pyre, rep, roe, stare, tRNA, tau, thru, til, tread, trot, troy, wee, ARF, Ara, BRM, CARE, CFE, CNE, CPE, DCE, DME, DRG, DRI, DSE, ERM, FRC, Frey, Frye, GRP, GRU, HSE, LRC, MRA, MRO, Mme, NRG, NRI, OE, ORP, ORT, PGE, PRA, PSE, PTFE, SME, SRA, SRM, SRS, SRT, TBI, TCA, TCM, TCR, TLD, TMZ, TNG, TOC, TPA, TPC, TPM, TSS, TUC, Teri, Tia, Tod, Tran, aye, doe, fro, lye, ogre, rec, rem, tai, tam, taro, tart, tat, tees, tern, terse, tome, tors, tot, treks, trope, trove, ts, woe, wry, BME, BRI, BRS, Brie, CRL, DDE, DRA, ERS, ESE, FCE, GRS, ITE, LRS, MCE, Noe, Ora, Pres, Ru, SRO, TBA, TBC, TDD, TLR, TTA, Thea, eke, err, ewe, gee, mire, ole, pry, reg, rel, tarn, tarp, tel, tine, tote, trier, trig, trike, tripe, trite, trod, truer, tum, wren, yore, Ctrl, DRV, Fri, HRI, IRQ, MPE, Orem, Oreo, Rx, TCO, TEF, TPL, TPN, TTF, Tut, Twp, Tyree, URB, Urey, VRI, brie, bro, grep, gyre, nae, pare, pres, rt, strep, tad, tars, treed, tress, trews, tut, BRG, Eire, TBD, TWX, byre, fie, freq, outré, tares, ted, teem, torte, tsp, tux, EOE, Tara, Tues, irk, pref, qr, strew, teed, throe, treys, trice, trow, trued, tyke, tyro, Erse, LTE, TD, Tim, ave, née, outre, brr, trues, 2RM, 3rd, AAE, AE, AEE, AFE, AGE, AHE, AIE, AKE, ALE, AME, ANE, AOE, APE, AR, ARB, ARC, ARD, ARH, ARI, ARJ, ARK, ARLE, ARM, ARN, ARQ, ARR, ART, ARTE, ARU, ARV, ARW, ARX, ARY, ASE, ATE, ATEE, ATR, AUE, AVE, AWE, AYE, AZE, Ar, Ark, Art, Ave, BAE, BBE, BCE, BDE, BEE, BFE, BGE, BHE, BKE, BLE, BNE, BOE, BQE, BR, BRA, BRB, BRC, BRD, BRF, BRH, BRJ, BRL, BRN, BRO, BRP, BRR, BRT, BRV, BRX, BRZ, BSE, BTR, BUE, BVE, BWE, Be, Br, CAE, CBE, CCE, CDE, CE, CEE, CGE, CLE, COE, CQE, CR, CRA, CRB, CRD, CREC, CREM, CRF, CRG, CRH, CRJ, CRK, CRM, CRN, CRO, CRP, CRQ, CRR, CRS, CRW, CRY, CRZ, CSE, CTE, CTR, CTRL, CVE, CWE, CXE, Ce, Cr, Crex, DAE, DARE, DE, DFE, DGE, DOE, DPE, DR, DR1, DRH, DRP, DRS, DRT, E, EAE, EBE, ECE, EE, EEE, EGE, EIE, EME, ENE, ER, ERA, ERC, ERD, EREA, ERF, ERK, ERO, ERP, ERT, ERV, ETPE, EXE, EZE, Er, FAE, FBE, FFE, FHE, FIE, FLE, FNE, FR, FRA, FRB, FRBE, FRD, FRF, FRG, FRM, FRO, FRP, FRQ, FRR, FRT, FSE, FTRD, FYE, Fe, Fr, GAE, GDE, GE, GFE, GIE, GOE, GPE, GR, GR5, GRA, GRD, GREC, GRED, GRH, GRI, GRJ, GRLE, GRN, GSE, GTR, GUE, Ge, Ger, Gere, Gr, Grey, HAE, HDE, HERE, HNE, HOE, HPE, HQE, HR, HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRH, HRK, HRM, HRT, He, IAE, IBE, ICE, IDE, IE, IGE, IME, INE, IPE, IR, IRB, IRC, IRD, IRDE, IREC, IREM, IRG, IRI, IRM, IRN, IRP, IRR, IRT, IRU, Ice, Ike, Ir, Ira, JCE, JDE, JE, JME, JNE, JRC, JRI, KE, KLE, KR, KROE, KRW, Kr, LBE, LDE, LE, LME, LNE, LPE, LR, LRD, LRF, LRI, LRM, LRP, LRU, LSE, LTR, LTRP, LTTE, Le, Lie, Lr, MAE, MDE, ME, MIE, MLE, MNE, MOE, MR, MRC, MRF, MRG, MRR, MRS, MRU, MSE, MVE, Me, Moe, NCE, NE, NEE, NGE, NOE, NR, NRF, NRH, NRM, NRN, NRO, NRP, NRS, NRT, NRU, NRW, NTR, NTRU, Ne, Nye, OAE, OBE, OGE, ONE, OR, ORD, ORI, ORL, ORM, ORN, ORS, ORU, ORY, Oreg, Orr, PAE, PCE, PE, PEE, PFE, PIE, PIRE, PLE, PME, PNE, POE, PPE, PPRE, PRD, PREJ, PRF, PRG, PRL, PRM, PRN, PRO, PRP, PRR, PRT, PRU, PRV, PRY, PRs, PTE, PTR, PXE, Poe, Pr, QBE, QNE, QRC, QRF, QRQ, QRU, QSE, Que, R, RAE, RC, RD, REA, REC, RED, REG, REI, REL, REP, RER, RES, RET, REV, REX, RF, RFE, RI, RIE, RLE, RM, RME, RN, RNE, RO, RP, RPE, RRC, RRF, RRG, RRI, RRL, RRN, RRPE, RRQ, RRR, RRS, RRT, RRW, RS, RSE, RT, RTE, RTR, RU, RV, Ra, Rae, Rb, Rd, Rf, Rh, Rn, Rte, Ry, SAE, SDE, SE, SFE, SGE, SNE, SPE, SR1, SR2, SR3, SRB, SRD, SRF, SRI, SRNE, SRP, SRU, SRV, SRX, STAE, STE, STR, SVE, SWE, Se, Sr, Sri, Ste, T, T&C, T&S, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T28, T30, T37, T38, T40, T50, T7J, T99, TA, TAA, TAD, TAEG, TAF, TAG, TAH, TAI, TAJ, TAM, TAN, TAO, TAP, TAREC, TARP, TAT, TB, TBF, TBH, TBJ, TBK, TBL, TBM, TBP, TBS, TBT, TBW, TC, TCC, TCD, TCEC, TCF, TCG, TCH, TCI, TCK, TCL, TCN, TCV, TCW, TDA, TDC, TDF, TDG, TDM, TDP, TDR, TDS, TDT, TEB, TEC, TED, TEEC, TEI, TEM, TEP, TEQ, TER, TES, TEU, TEV, TF, TFA, TFB, TFC, TFF, TFK, TFL, TFR, TFT, TFUE, TG, TGA, TGB, TGD, TGF, TGI, TGL, TGN, TGP, TGS, TGU, TGV, TGW, TGX, TGZ, TH, THA, THB, THD, THF, THM, THP, THS, THT, THX, TI, TIC, TID, TIG, TIME, TIP, TIPE, TIS, TIV, TJ, TJC, TJJ, TJK, TJS, TK, TKD, TKK, TKL, TKM, TKO, TKP, TKS, TKT, TL, TLA, TLB, TLF, TLH, TLM, TLN, TLP, TLT, TLV, TM, TMA, TMB, TMC, TMD, TMG, TMI, TMJ, TMN, TMP, TMS, TMT, TMV, TMX, TN, TNB, TNC, TND, TNF, TNK, TNL, TNM, TNN, TNO, TNP, TNR, TNS, TNW, TO, TOB, TOF, TOG, TOK, TOM, TOP, TOR, TOS, TOT, TP, TPF, TPFE, TPG, TPI, TPJ, TPO, TPP, TPR, TPS, TPT, TPV, TPX, TQ, TQC, TQM, TQS, TRIP, TS, TSB, TSC, TSD, TSG, TSH, TSI, TSK, TSL, TSM, TSN, TSO, TSP, TSR, TSV, TSX, TTD, TTG, TTI, TTO, TTP, TTR, TTS, TTT, TTU, TTX, TTY, TTs, TU, TUA, TUB, TUG, TUI, TUN, TUP, TUV, TV7, TV8, TVA, TVH, TVM, TVO, TVP, TVQ, TVS, TVU, TW, TWC, TWD, TWEs, TWF, TWS, TWU, TWV, TX, TXK, TXL, TXT, TY, TYC, TYO, TZ, TZA, TZC, TZN, TZS, Ta, Tad, Tai, Tarek, Tareq, Tb, Tc, Terr, Tet, Tex, Th, Thu, Théo, Ti, TiB, Tl, Tm, ToC, ToS, Tori, Trejo, Tu, Ty, Tyra, UAE, UFE, UGE, UPE, URA, URD, URG, URI, URN, URS, URT, URV, URY, USE, Urs, Ute, VAE, VBE, VE, VLE, VME, VNE, VPE, VR, VRB, VRD, VRF, VRG, VRP, VRS, VRV, Vitré, WPRE, WRC, WRI, WRT, WRV, WWE, XR, XRF, XRT, Xe, YRQ, ZAE, ZEE, ZPE, ZRO, ZRR, ZSE, ZWE, Zoé, Zoë, Zr, aren, ares, arr, axe, brae, ciré, cred, ctr, drey, e, er, erg, fer, gr, grr, grue, hie, hoe, hr, hrs, ite, jr, lee, lire, mtge, , orc, org, orné, pee, pr, père, r, rd, req, res, rev, rm, rs, sere, src, t, tared, tase, tb, tbs, terr, ti, tic, tit, tmp, tn, tog, toke, tole, tom, tor, trad, treas, tron, trug, tun, turd, twee, twp, urea, ve, xref, ye, yer, yr, yrs, CR7, GKE, KDE, T-Rex, TIF, TPU, Vue, ZTE
Category: TYPOS

@marcalexiei marcalexiei deleted the update-readme branch November 26, 2024 08:13
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