Felix is a gradient-based compiler optimization framework for tensor-based programs. It is designed to find optimization schedule in short amount of time by using gradient descent on the schedule parameters directly.
This repository is the official implementation of
Felix: Optimizing Tensor Programs with Gradient Descent
(Yifan Zhao, Hashim Sharif, Vikram Adve, Sasa Misailovic; ASPLOS 2024).
Felix is based on the tensor compiler framework TVM; this repository contains a patched version of TVM. Check out the installing TVM guide for the prerequisites and installation steps; these installation steps also apply to this repository.
- In addition to TVM's prerequisites, Felix requires a system-wide Rust Cargo installation, which you can find ways to install here.
- The following setup may work the best and is recommended:
- Linux. Windows may work but Felix has never been tested on Windows.
- CUDA 11 and above, with a version-compatible C++ compiler;
- A Python virtual environment with PyTorch installed.
If you use Conda as your virtual-env manager,
you can build an environment using the env file
Once the setup finishes, you can import Felix in Python as tvm.felix
Check out the example file in gallery
for instructions on how to run Felix and optimize a DNN.