This SDK is intented for iOS applications
You can load the UpCloo Cocoa SDK in two ways:
- Using sources directly
- Load static library
The first method is pretty simple, copy all .h
and .c
into your project and use it.
The second one is simple as well, move the .a
into your framework
group and move only .h
header files into your project.
That's it no big deal!
In order to compile the library into a project with ARC support
you have to remove this one from UpCloo library. For do that simply open
tab under main project settings and for all
UpCloo's files add -fno-objc-arc
property on Compile Source
First of all you have to require the SDK
#import "UpClooSDK.h"
That's load the library and you can use into your controllers.
You have to set credentials during your bootstrap (application launch)
UpClooSDK *upcloo = [UpClooSDK sharedManger];
upcloo.sitekey = @"my-sitekey";
//password is useless for only-get apps
upcloo.password = @"my-password";
If you prefere you can use setCredential()
method instead property setting.
[sharedManager setCredential: @"my-sitekey", @"my-password"];
UpCloo SDK use delegates for send messages asyncronously to your application.
When you ask for a document (using get
method), UpCloo SDK detach threads
for process your request and only when the message is ready or error is returned
call a delegate method.
Actually only two callback methods are available, one for all goes ok and one for show an error message.
Definition of callbacks are into UpClooGetDelegate
protocol definition.
For using you have to implements it at your controller and implements methods.
#import "UpClooGetDelegate.h"
@interface MyController : UIViewController <UpClooGetDelegate> {
- (void)upclooContentsReady:(UpClooDocuments *)documents
//Documents are available
- (void)upclooUnableToGetContentsWithMessage: (NSString *)message
//Show the error or handle it
Documents are divided into two containers: UpClooDocuments
and UpClooDocument
First type encapsulate the second one using an NSArray
For that reason if you want to get elements you have to do:
//documents variable is a valid and filled UpClooDocuments instance
int i;
for (i=0; i<documents.documents.count; i++) {
UpClooDocument *document = (UpClooDocument *)[documents.documents objectAtIndex: i];
NSLog(@"%@", document.title);
Posting new documents or update olds you have to follow a similar flow as used during get flow.
First of all you have to fill a new UpClooModelDocument
and request
the indexing on UpClooManager
shared manager. See it on an example:
UpClooModelDocument *model = [[UpClooModelDocument alloc] initWithIdAndTitle: @"post_14" : @"My title"];
model.url = @"";
model.content = @"This is the summary";
//Other fields of document model
[[UpClooManager sharedManager] postContent: model];
Calls are async as get calls. If you want you can register a delegate and
listen for events. Two events are available: error, valid post content.
For listen thoose events you have to implement the UpClooPutDelegate
That protocol have two methods: - (void)upclooUnableToPutThisContentWithMessage:(NSString *)message;
that is called when an error occur or the method: - (void)upclooPutCompleted;
. The last one is
optional and that you can never implement this one.
For post/put new contents or updates old ones, you have to register a delegate for post/put operation.
UpClooSDK *manager = [UpClooSDK sharedManager];
manager.putDelegate = self;
You have to be sure that your controller implements the put delegate protocol.
#import "UpClooPutDelegate.h"
@interface MyCotroller : UIViewController <UpClooPutDelegate> {
- (void)upclooUnableToPutThisContentWithMessage:(NSString *)message
//Unable to store this content
//Optional method
- (void)upclooPutCompleted
//Sending OK
Now you are ready to get messages from UpCloo SDK.
Remember that method upclooPutCompleted
is optional.
All tests are into UpClooSDKTests folder