Bugfix Release 0.9.2
Daniel Dietrich
Erlend Hamnaberg
Michael Ummels
Pap Lőrinc
Robert Erdin
Valeriy Vyrva
Works fine on JDK 9
Vavr 0.9.2 now works fine on JDK 9. The previous release 0.9.1 had an internal dependency that broke the JDK 9 build - we fixed that.
Note: JDK 9 introduced a type inference bug that may affect Vavr's pattern matching in some cases. Please see JDK-8039214.
- We fixed the implementation of Multimap.last(). We did not override the default Traversable implementation.
- We fixed a problem with the intersection of ordered collections that are based on RedBlackTree (such as TreeSet).
- We fixed Future.traverse(ExecutorService, Iterable, Function). The ExecutorService was not taken into account.
More fixes...
- Beside the above, we fixed some javadoc typos.
Please find the complete list of changes here.