This is a Todo application built with React, TypeScript, and SCSS. The app interacts with a remote API to allow users to manage their todo lists, including adding, editing, and deleting items.
You can view the live demo of the project here: DEMO LINK
The project is organized using React components, TypeScript for type safety, and SCSS for styling. The structure is modular, allowing for easy maintenance and scalability.
- Components: Reusable UI components like TodoList, TodoItem etc.
- Styles: Organized SCSS files following the BEM methodology for consistent styling.
- Hooks: Custom hooks for handling API calls.
- Services: Service modules for interacting with the remote API.
- Add Todos: Easily add new tasks to your todo list.
- Edit Todos: Modify existing tasks directly from the UI.
- Delete Todos: Remove tasks that are no longer needed.
- Remote API Integration: The app saves and retrieves todo items from a remote API, ensuring your data is always up to date.
- React: Frontend framework for building the user interface.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript providing type safety and better developer tooling.
- SCSS: CSS preprocessor used for organizing and maintaining styles.
- Fetch: Used for making HTTP requests to the remote API.
The application interacts with a remote API to manage the todo data. The following operations are supported:
- GET: Fetch the list of todos.
- POST: Add a new todo item.
- PATCH: Update an existing todo item.
- DELETE: Remove a todo item.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd todo-app-with-api
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Start the project:
npm start
Once the project is running, you can interact with the todo list via the user interface. The app allows you to:
- Add new todo items.
- Edit existing todo items.
- Delete todo items.
The app communicates with a remote API to persist data, ensuring that your todos are saved across sessions.