RYA is a tool to fetch DMR ID database, convert it to Anytone D868/D878 CPS format and add known redditor u/names to the list so that this info is on the radio screen. It may work also on B-Tech DMR-6x2.
If the DMR database and reddit hams csv files exist and are recent, the script will use them, otherwise they will be downloaded.
This tool is written in python and requires pandas
TODO: keep city or state data from DB when reddit data is incomplete.
$ ./reddityouranytone.py
RedditYourAnytone: A tool for downloading the current DMR database and reddit ham list
and combining for upload to Anytone DMR HTs by vk3dan
fetching DMR database file (~9MB)
fetching reddit hams csv file (<1MB)
reformatting DMR database to suit Anytone...
finding redditors and updating info, this may take a while
output.csv created with 159142 entries