Swift Package Manager (SwiftPM) is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code as well as C-family dependency. From Xcode, SwiftPM got natively integrated with Xcode.
RangersAppLog support SwiftPM from version 5.3.0. To use SwiftPM, you should use Xcode to open your project. Click File
-> Swift Packages
-> Add Package Dependency
, enter RangersAppLog repo's URL. Or you can login Xcode with your GitHub account and just type datarangers-sdk-ios-spm
to search.
After select the package, you can choose the dependency type (tagged version, branch or commit). Then Xcode will setup all the stuff for you.
If you're a framework author and use RangersAppLog as a dependency, update your Package.swift
let package = Package(
// 5.3.0 ..< 6.0.0
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/volcengine/datarangers-sdk-ios-spm", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.0.1"))