A Python library for high-performance reading and writing of PyTorch model files developed by Volcano Engine. This library mainly implements based on the safetensors file format to achieve efficient storage and reading of tensor data.
It can be installed directly through the following way:
cd veturboio
python setup.py get_libcfs
python setup.py install
Tips: This instruction will preferentially download the whl file that matches the current Python and PyTorch versions. If no matching whl file is found, it will automatically download the source code for compilation and installation.
If the installation fails, you can also try to install by downloading the source code, and then compile and install it manually.
# CUDA ops, default
python setup.py install --cuda_ext
# NPU ops
python setup.py install --npu_ext
# CPU only
python setup.py install --cpu_ext
import torch
import veturboio
tensors = {
"weight1": torch.zeros((1024, 1024)),
"weight2": torch.zeros((1024, 1024))
veturboio.save_file(tensors, "model.safetensors")
new_tensors = veturboio.load("model.safetensors")
# check if the tensors are the same
for k, v in tensors.items():
assert torch.allclose(v, new_tensors[k])
python -m veturboio.convert -i model.pt -o model.safetensors
Run directly:
bash bench/io_bench.sh
Then, you can get the following results:
fs_name tensor_size veturboio load_time(s) torch load_time(s)
shm 1073741824 0.08 0.63
shm 2147483648 0.19 1.26
shm 4294967296 0.36 2.32
Also, you can run the following command to get more options:
python bench/io_bench.py -h
Volcano Engine Machine Learning Platform (veMLP) provides a distributed cache file system based on the physical disks of the GPU cluster.
When a cluster-level task needs to read a model file, the caching system can efficiently distribute the model file between GPU machines via RDMA transfer, thus avoiding network transfer bottlenecks. When using this system, veTurboIO can maximize its performance advantages.
veTurboIO supports encryption and decryption of model files. You can read the tutorial to learn how to keep your model files secure. When you use GPU as target device, veTurboIO can decrypt the model file on the fly.