Redis Rate Limiter based on wallexerr ed25519 public key as the unique identifier.
cargo run --bin hadead
is a contract data contains the wallet info.
use hadead::*;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
pub static HADEAD: Lazy<Config> = Lazy::new(||{
let redis_password = "REDIS_PASSWORD".to_string();
let redis_username = "REDIS_USERNAME".to_string();
let redis_host = "REDIS_HOST".to_string();
let redis_port = "REDIS_PORT".to_string();
let chill_zone_duration_in_seconds = 5;
let hadead_instance = hadead::Config::new(
chill_zone_duration_in_seconds, /* default is 5 miliseconds */
pub async fn api() -> Result<actix_web::HttpResponse, actix_web::Error>{
let hadead = HADEAD.clone();
println!("hadead contract info: {:?}", hadead.contract.as_ref().unwrap());
let check_rate_limited = hadead.check(;
let Ok(flag) = check_rate_limited else{
let why = check_rate_limited.unwrap_err();
return Ok(
if flag{
// rate limited
return Ok(
HttpResponse::NotAcceptable().json("rate limited")
} else{
// other api logic
// ...
return Ok(
HttpResponse::Ok().json("json data")