You can created screenshot of the page and compare with some model picture.
- create screenshot on diferent breackpoints(1920(desctop), iPad, iPhoneX)
- create diff image between model picture and 1920(desctop)
You need modify config.js
path: 'path to you website',
layouts: 3, // number of layouts
desktopViewport: {
width: 1920,
height: 950
}, // desctop vieport
output: 'images/screenshots', // screenshots output
designe: 'images/designe', // module pictures
launch: {
headless: true
}, // settings for puppeteer.launch
pixelmatch: {
threshold: 0.5
} // settings for pixelmatch
The 'images' folder you need to create it by yourself. Inside this folder you need create folders 'screenshots' and 'designe'. Model images need put in folder 'designe/${layoutNuber}-layout'.
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- Source Code:$project/$project
If you are having issues, please let me know.