TextGrams is a Julia library that takes documents and slices them into ngrams and counts the occurrences. Given a baseline of ngram frequencies, it can then compare 2 or more documents for similarity using rare ngram matching.
using TextGrams
using MutableStrings
# Normalize some text
text1 = MutableASCIIString("This real-\nly, sorta, works!")
println(text1) # => "this really sorta works"
# Create a document
doc1 = Document(text1, "A Real Document")
# Note: you can also open
doc1.title # => "A Real Document"
doc1.content # => "this really sorta works"
# Slice the document into Ngrams of size 2 or fewer
ng1 = Ngrams(doc1, 2)
# => Dict{ASCIIString,Integer} with 7 entries:
# "sorta works" => 1
# "this really" => 1
# "this" => 1
# "sorta" => 1
# "really" => 1
# "really sorta" => 1
# "works" => 1
# Create another document
doc2 = Document("I guess it sorta works.")
ng2 = Ngrams(doc2, 2)
# Find the intersection of ngrams
intersectAdd(ng1, ng2)
# => Dict{ASCIIString,Integer} with 3 entries:
# "sorta works" => 2
# "sorta" => 2
# "works" => 2
See our blog, on Using TextGrams.jl.