Implementation of Genetic Algorithm (GABIL) for classification
Install project dependencies by running the following command
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Execute gabil project by running the following command
Below there is a list of the mandatory and optional arguments to be provided respectively:
- Mandatory Arguments
Argument | Short Version | Long Version | Expected Value |
Crossover Rate | -c | --crossover | float number |
Mutation Rate | -m | --mutation | float number |
Number of Generations | -g | --generations | int number |
Population Size | -p | --population | int number |
Dataset file Path | -d | --dataset | path to dataset file |
- Optional Arguments
Argument | Specification | Expected Value | Default Value |
Length Penalization (Decay) | --decay | float number | 1 |
Max Rules at Initialization | --initrules | int number | 5 |
Max number of Rules on each individual | --maxrules | int number | 50 |
Elitism | --elitism | true or false | False |
Parent Selection | --pselection | roulette or rank or tournament | roulette |
Results Folder | --rfolder | path to folder | /gabil-runs |
In case that any of the optional argument is not specified, its default value will be used instead
####Example of project invocation:
$ python --crossover 0.6 -m 0.01 -g 1000 -p 8 --dataset datasets/ --rfolder my-gabil-results
Note that short argument names and long argument names can be used indifferently
####Results description The following files will be created inside the result folders
- gabil-learning.txt
- hypothesis_out.txt
- input_params.txt
- test_dataset.txt
- training_dataset.txt
A description of the content of each file is summarized in the following table
Filename | Content Description | Format |
gabil-learning.txt | The progress of the learning process, for each generation | comma separated values |
hypothesis_out.txt | The best hypothesis found and its statistics. Accuracy and Error are computed with respect of both training and test dataset | json |
input_params.txt | A summary of the input parameters provided by the user | json |
training_dataset.txt | The dataset selected for training. Corresponds to 70% of the given dataset | json |
test_dataset.txt | The dataset selected for testing. Corresponds to 30% of the given dataset | json |