Source generator to generate command line args parser.
The parser will be generated at compile-time that means NO REFLECTION!.
[App] // Necessary auto generated attribute
public class Program
///<summary>This will be help text for command</summary>
///<param name="str" alias="s">This will be help text for param.</param>
public static void MyCoolCommand(string str, int num, FileInfo file, /* color is optional parameter */ ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Grey)
Console.ForegroundColor = color
Compile and run and you will see following output:
Usage: <command> <parameters> [options]
my-cool-command: This will be help text for command
Nested commands:
[App] // Necessary auto generated attribute
public class Program
public class File
public static void Create(FileInfo file)
public static void Delete(FileInfo file)
There will be one command 'file' with two subcommands 'create' and 'delete'
Generator automaticaly creates command 'complete' that accepts cursor position and argument list. Using this command you can create autocompletion script for your shell.
Disabled by default. To enable this feature insert <GenerateCompletion>True</GenerateCompletion>
into your .csproj
If you mistyped command or option name it will print suggestion "Did you mean "command-name?"".
Disabled by default. To enable this feature insert <GenerateSuggestions>True</GenerateSuggestions>
into your .csproj
Methods that returns Task
or Task<T>
are supported
You can mark method or class with setting summary's attribute default to "true"
Supported any type that has static method Parse(string) or TryParse(string, out T) or with constructor with one argument of type string. For example, int or FileInfo.
To convert custom type without string constructor or method Parse, you must create class that implements IArgumentConverter<T>
public struct Point
public int X {get; private set;}
public int Y {get; private set;}
public Point(int x, int y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public class PointConverter : IArgumentConverter<Point>
public Point Convert(string str)
var splited = str.Split('x', 2); // The string must looks like '15x25'
return new Point(int.Parse(splited[0]), int.Parse(splited[1]));
Because of absence of reflection you can compile your app using NativeAOT to make it more faster
Arrays always will be as optionals
You can use following constructions to get multi-language help texts:
<en>Text in English</en>
<ru>Текст на русском</ru>
It depends on current culture's TwoLetterISOLanguageName
Also you can specify default language by setting project's property DefaultLanguage
(by default it's 'en')
dotnet add package CommandLineArgsGenerator