Generate your Flutter mobile App (Android / iOS) for JHipster
This is a JHipster module.
Get started and (Full not yet) documentation
- Screen
- Main
- Register
- Login
- User preferences
- Theming
- All styles in one place
- Light theme for now
- Full I18n support
- EN, FR for now
- Automatic generation with IntelliJ plugin or VS code plugin
- Detecting device locale
- Change language in user preferences UI
- Apply the preferred locale instead of the device one
- BLoC Architecture More informations
- JSON serializer / deserializer Java Jackson like More informations
- Language choice
- Java / Kotlin for Android
- Objective C / Swift for iOS
- Profiles / Environments
- Dev
- Prod
- IntelliJ Config file for dev and prod profile
Generate your entity from your jhipster project
- One by one
- All your entities
As this is a JHipster module, we expect you have JHipster and its related tools already installed:
- Installing JHipster (6.x.x)
- Installing Flutter SDK (1.22.x)
- Generating your app with
To install this blueprint:
npm install -g generator-jhipster-flutter-jdlc
To update this blueprint:
npm update -g generator-jhipster-flutter-jdlc
To install this blueprint:
yarn global add generator-jhipster-flutter-jdlc
To update this blueprint:
yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster-flutter-jdlc
To use this blueprint, run
yo jhipster-flutter-jdlc
#Usage create entity from JHipster To create a single entity
yo jhipster-flutter-jdlc:entity Employee
All entities
yo jhipster-flutter-jdlc:entities
Feel free to help, the project is open to PR
Apache-2.0 © Cyril Casaucau
Cyril Casaucau