I'm Igor Zolotarev, a software engineer. I also speak at conferences, write articles, and teach people.
I maintained:
- https://github.com/tarantool/cartridge
- https://github.com/tarantool/metrics
- https://github.com/tarantool/cartridge-metrics-role
- Telegram: @yngvar_antonsson
- E-mail: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: yngvar-antonsson
List of publications:
In Russian:
- Расчет перцентилей для мониторинга высоконагруженных систем
- Пишем распределенное хранилище за полчаса
- Масштабируем кластеры без лишних усилий
- Топ-5 провальных решений при разработке на Tarantool
In English:
- How to Calculate Percentiles For Monitoring Data-Intensive Systems?
- Distributed storage in 30 minutes
- Scaling clusters without any hassle
- Top 5 bad decisions when dealing with in-memory databases
Conferences (RU):
Open webinars / talks / lessons (RU):