This is a demo project for nocalhost. Bookinfo is from Istio samples(
Bookinfo is a typical microservice architecture application, which consists of 4 services:
- productpage(Request Entrance):
- reviews:
- details:
- ratings:
Every service has its different program language and runtime environment. All of them had been configured to use docker as container runtime, you can find Dockerfile in their corresponding repository.
A helm chart in this repository is prepared for one command installing. 4 Deployments witch 2 replica pods for 4 microservices are main skeleton of this chart.
You can install the chart by this command: helm install ./charts/bookinfo
, but if you want to try nocalhost, we recommend you do this with nocalhost. We will give step-by-step QuickStart later.
We commit some changes to demonstrate nocalhost better. Here are some main changes:
- Simplified different version of reviews service to one version. Nocalhost does not target on how to manage service traffic or canary deployment.
- Splitted source codes from mono-repo to four independent repositories. In reality, diffrent microservices are developed by diffrent teams with different access rules.
- Changed the framework of reviews service to spring-boot. Nothing but everyone loves spring-boot.
- Configured GitHub Action for every microservice to auto build Docker images.
- Added a .nocalhost directory to support development with nocalhost.
is a directory in the root of repository which stores the configurations of nocalhost. In this case, the file config.yaml