A Clojure client for Exceptional.
[clj-exceptional "0.9.0"]
(ns foo
(:require [clj-exceptional :as cx]))
;; or
(ns foo
(:use cljs-exceptional))
For the examples below I'll assume you're using the require method above.
Set your key !! IMPORTANT !!:
(cx/key! "exceptional_app_api_key")
Post an exception (blocking):
(cx/post-exc (Exception. "something went wrong!"))
Post an exception (non-blocking using agents):
(cx/post-exc-async (Exception. "something went wrong!"))
Wrap some code (catch-exc
returns the caught exception):
;; => #<Exception>
Wrap some code (rethrow-exc
re-throws the caught exception):
(catch Exception e (println "Something went wrong!!!")))
;; => nil
clj-exceptional contains ring handlers (wrap-exceptional-catch
) that will add information from
the request map to the post.
(def ring-app
(-> routes
(wrap-file "resources/public")
This will send an exceptional post containing request parameters such
as :remote-addr
, :uri
, and :headers
Open up an issue or send me a pull request.
- Expose more of ring request map entries, such as
, and:port
Copyright (C) 2010 Zachary Kim
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.