A slick websocket client for Phoenix channels
See the online documentation
- backed by Mint.WebSocket
- an
interface for a interacting synchronously - built-in re-connect and re-join mechanisms matching
- a testing framework for clients
- emits
Add slipstream to your dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:slipstream, "~> 0.8"}
N.B.: Slipstream is still being evaluated and tested in production. Once the interface is stable and initial bugs worked out, a v1.0.0 version will be published.
Documentation is automatically published to hexdocs.pm on release. You may build the documentation locally with
MIX_ENV=docs mix docs
Issues and PRs are always welcome! See our organization
for more information about best-practices and passing CI.
If you're considering sending a PR or otherwise forking Slipstream, you may wish to read the implementation docs first.
Incoming PRs will be squashed in order to maintain a more readable commit log. If you'd like your PR to not be squashed, please say so in your PR description.
PRs which create examples
(e.g. #17) will
not be squashed so that the commits may be referenced in the tutorial
section of the example (and not have GitHub's annoying helpful "This
commit does not belong to any branch on this repository..." message, e.g.