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Flutter Snippets

Flutter Snippets

Supercharge your Flutter workflow with handy Snippets for VS Code

Flutter Snippets

Table of Contents


Flutter Snippets

Snippet Widget Description
fscaf Scaffold Widget Creates a Scaffold widget
fex Expanded Widget Creates a Expanded widget
ftxt Text Widget Creates a Text widget
fic Icon Widget Creates a Icon widget
fcont Container Widget Creates a Container widget
fcent Center Widget Creates a Center widget
frow Row Widget Creates a Row widget
fcol Column Widget Creates a Column widget
fstk Stack Widget Creates a Stack widget
falign Align Widget Creates a Align widget
ftextbtn TextButton Widget Creates a TextButton widget
fab FloatingActionButton Widget Creates a FloatingActionButton widget
ficbtn IconButton Widget Creates a IconButton widget
felevbtn RaisedButton Widget Creates a RaisedButton widget
fgesdet GestureDetector Widget Creates a GestureDetector widget
fink InkWell Widget Creates a InkWell widget
fdrawer Drawer Widget Creates a Drawer widget
fmeque MediaQuery Widget Creates a MediaQuery widget
ftheme Theme Widget Creates a Theme widget
flogo FlutterLogo Widget Creates a FlutterLogo widget
fszb SizedBox Widget Creates a SizedBox widget
fszbw SizedBox Widget with width Creates a SizedBox widget with width
fszbh SizedBox Widget with height Creates a SizedBox widget with height
flistv ListView Widget Creates a ListView widget
fnav Navigation Widget Creates the Navigation widget
fpop Navigator pop Creates the Navigator pop function

Import Snippets

Import Package Description
impM material Package Import Material package
impC cupertino Package Import Cupertino package
impS services Package Import Services package
impF foundation Package Import Foundation package
impH http Package Import HTTP package
impURL url_launcher Package Import URL_Launcher package
impP provider Package Import Provider package
impGF google_fonts Package Import Google_Fonts package
impPP path_provider Package Import Path_Provider package
impB flutter_bloc Package Import Flutter_Bloc package
impGF sqflite Package Import Sqflite package
impFS flutter_screenutil Package Import Flutter_Screenutil package
impI intl Package Import Intl package
impR riverpod Package Import Riverpod package
impHooks flutter_hooks Package Import Flutter_Hooks package

Shortcut Snippets

Shortcut Expanded Description
screen Scaffold with text Creates a screen with text in center
devprev Device Preview Creates a screen with the syntax of Device Preview Package
mateapp Material App Creates a new screen with Material App
cupeapp Cupertino App Creates a new screen with Cupertino App
build Build Method Describes the part of the user interface represented by the widget.
customPainter Custom Painer Creates custom painter
customClipper Custom Clippers Creates custom clippers
initS InitState Called when this object is inserted into the tree. The framework will call this method exactly once for each State object it creates.
dis Dispose Called when this object is removed from the tree permanently. The framework calls this method when this State object will never build again.
caa CrossAxisAlignment Creates CrossAxisAlignment
maa MainAxisAlignment Creates MainAxisAlignment
appbar Custom AppBar widget Creates Custom AppBar widget
fstyle Flutter TextStyle property Creates Flutter TextStyle
defaultApp Default Counter App Creates Default Counter App
fstring Flutter String snippet Creates Flutter String snippet
fcolor Flutter Color snippet Creates Flutter Color snippet
fequatable Flutter Equatable class snippet Creates Equatable class snippet
fapptext Flutter AppText class snippet Creates AppText class snippet for Strings used in app
fappimage Flutter AppImage class snippet Creates AppImage class snippet for Image assets used in app
fappcolor Flutter AppColors class snippet Creates AppColors class snippet for Color used in app
freezed Flutter Freezed class snippet Creates Freezed class snippet

Riverpod Snippets

Snippet Expanded Description
stlessConsumer ConsumerStatelessWidget snippet Create a Flutter ConsumerStatelessWidget snippet
stfulConsumer ConsumerStatefulWidget snippet Creates Flutter ConsumerStatefulWidget snippet
changeNotifierProvider ChangeNotifierProvider snippet Creates Flutter ChangeNotifierProvider snippet
changeNotifier ChangeNotifier snippet Creates Flutter ChangeNotifier snippet
futureProvider FutureProvider snippet Creates Flutter FutureProvider snippet
stlessHookConsumer HookConsumerWidget snippet Creates Flutter HookConsumerWidget snippet
stfulHookConsumer StatefulHookConsumerWidget snippet Creates Flutter StatefulHookConsumerWidget snippet
provider Provider snippet Creates Flutter Provider snippet
stateNotifierProvider StateNotifierProvider snippet Creates Flutter StateNotifierProvider snippet
stateNotifier StateNotifier snippet Creates Flutter StateNotifier snippet
stateProvider StateProvider snippet Creates Flutter StateProvider snippet
streamProvider StreamProvider snippet Creates Flutter StreamProvider snippet

Android Permission Snippets

Permission Expanded Description
perInt INTERNET Permission Android Internet permission


Maruf Hassan

🌐 📖 👀 🚧


Vscode: ^1.51.0


MIT license

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Flutter Widget Snippet

Awesome Flutter Snippet

Flutter Riverpod Snippets


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