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15. 30th Aug. 2023 (Wednesday)

Jasmeen Kaur edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 13 revisions

30th Aug. 2023 (12:00-13:00)

Meeting notes

Date: 30th Aug 2023, Wednesday

Target audience: ACCESS-Hive dev team


  • Training material

Discussion Notes


  • All the workshop information on the hive, for the details of the workshop could cover - we could link that to the forum post.
  • For the detailed page on Monday and there are two parts for the workshop - Monday and rest of the week.
  • For Monday, there was a master guide for all the workshop material and line-by-line examples, may be we can include that on the forum.
  • Training on how to run ACCESS-CM2, and we keep telling the attendees to go on the home page of the forum.
  • And they need page on the Hive, with different sections and links on the Hive website.
  • And the training is only in-person and 1 person online.
  • The slide-deck for the presentations and people could refer to that on the Hive.
  • We can the training material on the Hive too and able to add the section on the forum too.


  • For the hive, we might wanna do in the future, we need a big discussion on the frameworks we need to use for the hive framework.
  • Even though, there is a person always working on the Hive page.
  • Once a month meeting, and what the release meetings look like meeting forward.
  • And fortnightly team meetings could be used to what things they need to bring things in the meeting.
  • Hive is something that en-captures all the teams, and a single person would be very unlikely to understand.
  • Hence, at least one team member from each of the teams should also be contributing to the hive.
  • For content, do they need a place to bring their suggestions together for that.
  • Maintaining and creating the content for the Hive, and the other side is to maintain the UI design on the Hive.
  • If there is a new functionality that is needed and would attend these meetings.
  • This is the functionality that we need, may be on the future and could discuss it in the future.
  • Representatives from the other team members, could also be there. Minor needs and planning of the Hive and what more things to include.
  • Also it is important, to have a big discussion and the hive has very strict relation to the main website and the forum.
  • Two team members working on the Hive development and maintenance, and then work with the representatives to see if they have anything (meet every two weeks).
  • For the content, team representatives could be the source of content on the Hive.
  • Whoever writes the content and whoever needs to put that on the page, puts that on the page, and the person who created that content can review the stuff.
  • The release meetings could be something to put on the Hive page. For the release meetings, and open to anyone who wants to come and needs a escalation point for the hive.
  • We could leave these meetings going on for this month and then decide upon the model in the future.

Action Items (To be added to Zenhub)

  • Fix the errors flagged by Kelsey - small typo COSMIA on one of the pages of the Hive.
  • Fix the top-left icon for some of the pages.
  • Add the training tab on the Hive website.
  • Document the how to contribute guidelines for the Hive page.
  • Decide upon the final maintenance of the Hive user portal.


  • Kelsey
  • Heidi
  • Davide
  • Jasmeen
  • Sven