Bug Fix Release
New Features:
- Annotation content boxes will now truncate when clipping the Voyager container and provide a link that spawns an overlay with the full content.
- Automatic near/far calculation can now be disabled under camera settings
- New option for intro splash screen that appears on load.
- Enable it by adding 'Intro' text under the Collection tab in Voyager Story.
- Useful for scenarios when the user needs important information before the experience, e.g. context for a culturally sensitive object. We do not recommend this be liberally used.
Bug fixes:
- Fix for annotation color 1,1,1 not being savable.
- Patch for grid measurement label showing up in settings.
- Crashing when loading a model with no normals fixed. Models will now have normals generated when they have a material flagged as flatShaded.
- When loading thumb and then higher level derivative, it was possible for the loading to finish out of order. The active quality level derivative will now get priority.
- Several bug fixes relating to use/configuration of annotation view during tour setup.