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Seán Gleeson edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Attendees: SG, ZZ, AM, JM, HC, PF

Review of/actions from last meeting

Alex to investigate streaming solutions - STILL ONGOING

SG to investigate viability of M:S:DoES - STILL ONGOING

JP to lead application for Maker Faire - Applied for

JT to investigate possibility of Maker Space visits/exchanges - STILL ONGOING

SG to arrange viewing of new space for wider community - Happened

Recent Events

Christmas Party went well, we may have to switch back to kegs for the future as the beer ran out.

The new laser was moved into the Tapestry, and a small team did an excellent job, with very little notice, to get the machine in, and have a sneak peek at the space.

Upcoming Events

Newcastle Make Faire - Jackie has applied (for Play the Tree and Made Invaders) and has received one acceptance so far.

Young MakeFest - Coming up on Friday 23rd March. This is a school event, so it's unlikely DoES will be involved.

GDPR Talk - SG has a friend that is one of the architects of the GDPR legislation who is willing to come in and give a talk about how it will affect small business.

Building Move

There doesn't seem to have been a great deal of movement, which is becoming frustrating. The ceiling has been fit, and there are ongoing discussions about the positioning of the toilets.

We're still trying to get quotes for doing the work that we need in the space, and the first quote has come in at over £20000, which is too high. However, there were some things about the quote that needed clarification, and JM has asked for that. Hopes are also that we may be able to bring down prices by offering physical help, so reducing the labour costs.

Jackie and Chris Thompson have done a lot of prep work in the current space over the holiday period, including Notices of Destruction being issued, lots of things have been cleared/gotten rid of, or moved to the staging room ready to go.


Raised at Directors' Meeting. AM mentioned that draft policies were discussed, and it was raised again at the most recent Directors' Meeting. The policies are still in draft, but are being moved forward. They are taking a lead from the Nottinghack safe spaces policy, as well as other things.

The idea of a sole point of contact is still being mooted, but has not yet been decided upon. Any procedures will be disseminated among the community for feedback before being implemented.


HC mentioned that there is a meeting planned to discuss the latest updates to the website. The hope is that it will be ready to go live by the time of the move.

Had some feedback about why people choose DoES over other places, which is useful.

Important Github Issues

Sophia needs a servicing, and some new tubing. PF has suggested that there is enough give in the pipe that is there to fix this without buying a new pipe.

SG left a message on the issue regarding the internet in the new space.

Look into Nottinghack's procedures for lone working.

We need to start implementing the costs for storage.

Must DoES labels need looking at to make sure they're still 'Must'able. Similarly, Move labels should be checked to ensure that they are related to the Move, and not things that happen once we're in. SG to do.

Confirm time & date of next meeting

15th February at 1pm.

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