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Handling Library Closures

Sarah Smulligan edited this page Dec 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

Further information about handling library closures is specified in ADG-01 which will be updated with information about what the Catalog's product owner needs. The product owner will then translate that information into appropriate tickets.

Note: These procedures are intended for library closures of, at minimum, multi-week duration.


If an entire library is made non-holdable, that library should be added to closedLibraries in libraries_locations.json.

The product owner should be informed at least a month ahead of time and make tickets for closure and reopening with anticipated dates. The product owner should work to schedule a deploy as soon as possible after the actual closure and another as soon as possible after the actual reopening. The planned reopening day may be updated as work progresses and ADG-01 should specify that the product owner needs to be apprised of these changes.

My Account

In the case of a planned closure, the campus library usually designates an interim holds pickup spot for their campus. Therefore, My Account does not need to be edited.

However, in the case of an emergency closure, such when the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library experienced a flood in Fall 2023, a library may not be able to offer an alternative holds pickup location. In this case, it should be removed as an option from the holds drop-down: config/settings.yml (and review for tests which may fail)

The product owner should be informed if holds pickup will be suspended and create appropriate tickets to remove and re-add the library. The product owner should be kept apprised of changes to anticipated reopening.

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