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Placing Holds

Ruth edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

Holds Placement

Updated document about Holds Placement which takes No Recalls Into Account.

I Want It Button Logic

If an item can be placed on hold OR requested through ILL, we display the "I Want It" button. See No Recalls Logic. This translates to -- if it has holdable: true then we can place holds, but they may need to be ILLs (or non-recalling for community/PA borrowers). If holdable: false, we don't display the button.

Symphony Hold Placement

My Account hold placement against Symphony should allow the following:

  • If single item (see below) allow user to select pickup location and date no longer wanted.
  • If multiple items (see below) allow user to select which items are wanted as well as pickup location & date no longer wanted.
  • Confirm details.
  • Allow user to return to the item record page or view a summary of their current holds in My Account.

ILLiad Hold Placement

In cases where all local copies are unavailable and the patron is eligible for ILL, the "I Want It" button will take them to the ILL hold placement page in My Account which allows them to place an ILLiad Request.

Determining ILLiad Hold Placement

  1. Is item holdable:true?
  2. Are all copies in locations in the non_holdable array OR in libraries that are in the closed_libraries array in our libraries/locations list?
  3. Generate the ILL-based link for I Want It Button
  4. When patron clicks and authenticates, double-check that they're ILL-eligible, otherwise redirect them to the Symphony hold page.

If a user does not have an ILLiad account, a new one will be created for them. ILLiad hold placement has the same allowances as Symphony hold placement (see above) along with a link letting them know they can put a hold on a local copy instead if they're willing to wait.

Determining Single and Multiple Volumes

If a record has many copies of a single volume, the hold placement screen should simply have you select pickup location and date no longer wanted. A single volume may be determined by identical call numbers on a bibliographic record (possibly across many CallInfo records in the WebServices response).


If a record has multiple volumes (whether one or many copies), the hold placement screen should display a checkbox for each unique call number value. It should only allow you to select items for which a hold can be successfully placed (see Missing, Lost, and Other UnHoldable Items).

Missing, Lost, and Other UnHoldable Items

The problem of holdable items which are missing or lost was solved by the ILL placement option.

Active Holds/My Account

For display of active holds including ILLiad holds, see required components of the My Account page.

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